Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It was Tuesday.
June 9th 2009.
Location? Gurney.
Venue? Lepak~
With? Jun, Aida and Sara.

It was not bad.... I was darn surprised I managed to drove all the way to Gurney after taking painkillers. Might be building up a flu, my whole body is aching mad, I swear the only way out is death... Have you ever experienced so much pain on your muscles that you literally have to sleep in a particular angle?? And whenever you move, you feel like dying. Why is everyone getting sick nowadays... Swine Flu much??...

Sorry but right now I don't have any photos from that day. All the photos are with Jun.
*Jun! Please stop watching How I Met Your Mother and give them back to me please~ I miss Barney :/

No, not this Barney....
This shit is a freaking pedophile! Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-

...or this Barney...

I'm talking about........

This Barney :D
Barney Stinson.

There are practically only 2 reasons why to love him.

  1. His words of advice and quotes are awesome... and legend....wait for it...............DARY.
  2. And he is Neil Patrick Harris.

    For those who have watched How I Met Your Mother would agree with me, that Neil Patrick Harris really pulled it off.

    For those who haven't, get your asses to Ferringhi and buy the whole complete season :)

    Those who have season 4, holla at me!

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